What is a book publishing contract? A book publishing contract is a legal document between an author and a publishing company to publish a book. It outlines exactly what rights the author is granting the publishing company and how much the author will be paid for those rights.
This publishing contract, the “Contract,” is entered into as of [contract creation date] by and between [Sender.Company] , the “Publisher,” and [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] , the “Author.” This publishing contract governs the publication of the work(s) listed below:
Use this section to describe the book in as much detail as possible. Don’t include elements of the plot or parts of the book that may change while it’s being written. It’s better to describe the book in terms of word count rather than page count since the number of pages may vary based on typesetting.
Author will deliver to the Publisher the original manuscript tentatively titled [Title of Book] , the “Book.” The Book shall be [fiction/nonfiction] and will contain approximately [number] words and [number] pictures/illustrations. The Book shall be [describe the book as accurately as possible] .
[Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] grants [Sender.Company] full right and title to the following, in perpetuity:
These rights are granted by [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] on behalf of him/herself and their successors, heirs, executors, and any other party who may attempt to lay claim to these rights at any point now or in the future.
Any rights not specifically granted to [Sender.Company] above remain with [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] .
The rights granted to [Sender.Company] by [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] shall not be constrained by geographic territories and are considered global in nature.
Try our Contract Management Software if you want to track your contracts effectively and monitor all your contracts in one place.
Registering the copyright with the Copyright Office within 3 months is important for full protection. A copyright notice isn’t required but helps in enforcing copyright.
Publishers shall register the copyright to the Book, identifying the Author as the owner of the copyright, as well as the author of the Book, within 90 days of initial publication of the Book. Publisher will give Author a copy of the registration certificate. Publisher and any sublicensees will place a copyright notice in Author’s name in all copies of the published Book, as follows:
© [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] [year of publication]
[Sender.Company] shall provide [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] with an advance against future royalties in the amount of advance amount. This advance shall be paid to [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] as follows:
$ [amount] on the signing of this Contract
$ [amount] on acceptance of the complete manuscript of the Book
$ [amount] on Publisher’s initial publication of the Work or within [number] months after acceptance, whichever comes earlier
[Sender.Company] agrees to provide the [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] with royalties as follows:
Hardcover rates
Publisher shall pay Author the royalties on copies of hardcover edition sold by Publisher in the United States through regular book wholesale and retail channels, minus returns:
Paperback rates
For trade paperback:
Publisher shall pay Author the royalties on copies of trade paperback edition sold by Publisher in the United States through regular book wholesale and retail channels:
If you’re in the early stages of negotiating your book project with potential publishers, our Book Proposal Template is the perfect tool to showcase your ideas and plans.
For mass market paperback:
Publisher shall pay Author the royalties on copies of mass market paperback edition sold by Publisher in the United States through regular book wholesale and retail channels, minus returns:
Audiobooks and ebooks
Publisher shall pay Author royalties on any verbatim electronic text edition or electronically delivered audio recording of the verbatim text of the Book:
[Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] agrees to deliver a completed manuscript, the “Manuscript,” to [Sender.Company] no later than [manuscript due date] . The Manuscript may be delivered via certified mail or email in printed or digital format.
Additionally, [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] shall deliver all artwork, prefaces, references, acknowledgments, and other “front matter” or “back matter” at a date to be determined by [Sender.Company] .
Should [Sender.Company] deem any delivered material to be unacceptable for any reason, [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] shall be granted a period of time (to be determined by [Sender.Company] ) to correct such defects. If [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] fails to correct defects in the time granted, [Sender.Company] reserves the right to cancel this book publishing contract with cause.
Should [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] fail to deliver the Manuscript or related materials, or fail to correct defects in time granted, then the Publisher will send the Author a written notice providing the Author with a 30-day grace period to deliver the Book. If the Author does not deliver within the 30-day period, the Publisher may terminate the Contract by a second written notice. [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] shall be required to pay any advance payments received back to [Sender.Company] .
Author represents and warrants that:
This Contract constitutes the full agreement of Publisher and Author and supersedes all prior contracts, understandings, and discussions, whether written or oral, regarding the Book. No change of this Contract will be binding unless written and signed by both Publisher and Author.