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Barry Goldwater High School is a Comprehensive High School offering all types of programs including the Fine Arts, Career and Technical Education in addition to the International Baccalaureate Programme. The student body is culturally, linguistically, nationally and economically diverse. The BGHS IB Programme operates as a "School Within A School" allowing for IB students to travel together throughout their school day and feel a sense of smaller community.
School Size: 1655 School Schedule: 7:30 am - 2:12pm School days in Calendar Year: 185North Phoenix - Norterra and Union Park
School Size: 1655 Classroom Size: 25-30 Student/Teacher Ratio: 1/25 Financial Aid:IB Exam Assistance
Departments:English, World Language, Math, Social Studies, Science, World Language, Fine Arts, Health and PE, Career and Technical (CTE) are departments comprising the BGHS Campus and BGHS IB Programme
Curriculum:Arizona State Standards Curriculum in addition to the International Baccalaureate Guides and Policies.
IB Candidates: 20IB Classes Offered: 9th and 10th Grade MYP Program offers ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, Fine Arts, CTE and PE/Health. The IB Diploma Program in the 11th and 12th grades offers IB English Literature HL, IB History of Americas HL, IB Biology HL, IB Chemistry HL, IB Math - Approaches & Analysis SL/HL, IB Psychology, IB Theatre, IB Visual Arts, IB Music, IB Computer Science, IB Business Management
Percentage of Graduating Class: Top 5% Support Services:As a comprehensive high school, we offer a wide range of support services including 504 and IEP Specialists, Special Education Teachers, RTI Specialists, Gifted Specialists, School Guidance Counselors and Social Emotional Counselors.
Summer School: Yes After School Programs: Yes Computer Capabilities:BGHS provides Chromebooks to every student.
School Championships:State Boys and Girls Wrestling
State Boys Soccer Championship Final Four and Runner Up State Championship
State Track Championship
All clubs associated with a comprehensive high school. National Honors Society, Hispanic Honors Society, IB World Club, Eco Squad, Science Club, Bring Change to Mind, Dance Club, Knitting Club, Societe Honoraire de Francais, G-Crew, Hype Squad, Interact Club, DECA, HOSA, etc.
Notable Graduates/Alumni: Parking Spaces/Availability:Student Drivers with purchase of parking pass
Uniform Guidelines:DVUSD District Dress Code is implemented
Admissions Requirements:Electronic Registration is required for all students living within the DVUSD Boundary Area and In-District transportation is available from all DVUSD high schools. Students living outside the DVUSD Boundary Area would need to complete Open Enrollment Process.
Mission Statement:The mission of Barry Goldwater High School is to educate all students. Staff, family, and community will empower all students to achieve personal, social, and academic essential skills. We, the Goldwater High School Community, accept this responsibility.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:We are committed to creating meaningful relationships and a community of kindness. Teaching and learning are standards based, rigorous and relevant. Students will interact globally to gain diverse perspectives. We will demonstrate transfer of learning to new situations and disciplines. We will discover and cultivate intellectual traditions.
School History:Founded in the name of former US State Senator Barry Goldwater, the school is recognized as a Community of Kindness and creating Life Long Learners.
Programs and Services:International Baccalaureate Middle Years and Diploma Programme
Career and Technical Education