National Indian Child Welfare Association's 42nd Annual Protecting Our Children Conference

Each year, National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) hosts the largest national gathering on American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) child advocacy issues. With over 1,600 attendees—and growing every year—this three-day conference has become the premiere national event addressing tribal child welfare and well-being. Keynote speakers range from federal officials at the highest level of government to youth with lived experience in child welfare systems.

New this year! For those who can’t make it to Seattle, we have a virtual option. All three of our amazing general sessions with over a dozen wonderful speakers will be broadcast virtually. If you can’t make it in person, consider being a virtual attendee.

NICWA provides meaningful programming to conference attendees, creating a space where participants can learn about the latest developments and best practices from experts in the field and from one another. Participants represent a cross-section of fields and interests including child welfare, mental health, and juvenile justice service providers; legal professionals; students; advocates for children; and tribal, state, and federal leaders.

Conference theme - Together we stand: Preserving the spirit of ICWA

The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) of 1978 powerfully proclaims “…that it is the policy of this Nation to protect the best interests of Indian children and to promote the stability and security of Indian families… (25 U.S.C. § 1902).” The spirit of ICWA ensures our children grow up with strong cultural identities, rooted in the language and traditions of our ancestors, so that our tribal communities remain strong. For over forty years, tribal nations fought to uphold this declaration and constitutional protection of their children. This has never been more evident than the coalition building, including grassroots efforts, that occurred during the Haaland v. Brackeen case. We saw 502 tribal nations, 62 Native organizations, 23 states and D.C., 87 congresspersons, and 27 child welfare and adoption organizations declare in unity their support for ICWA. Standing in solidarity with one another is how we achieved success. With this decision on the record, Indian Country is emboldened in our work to ensure compliance with ICWA and strengthen its implementation. With ICWA’s solid legal foundation affirmed, now is the time to work together to lift up tribal best practices and increase tribal child welfare capacity. To strengthen ICWA implementation, we must put our sights on tribal and state relationships, state ICWA laws, state-tribal policies and agreements, increased funding for tribal services including culturally based services, and federal policy and data collection. NICWA’s 42nd Annual Protecting Our Children Conference features innovative workshops, presentations, and cultural activities that provide the expertise and experience to support this advocacy agenda and build worker capacity to continue the important work of providing cultural best practices for Native children and families.