Children's Activity Fund

The Children’s Activity Fund provides enrichment activities for children in Department for Children and Families (DCF) custody living in a licensed kin/foster homes or children adopted through DCF.

It is crucial that youth have opportunities to engage in enrichment activities; to build resiliency and to provide some normalcy in their lives.

In 2016, the Children’s Activity Fund awarded over $9,000.00. This helped nearly 1,000 youth to participate in sports and become a part of a team, attend music, snowboard and horseback riding lessons, and take part in day/overnight camps.

With your support, these children will have access to more enriching opportunities. Donations are welcome and appreciated.

If you are seeking assistance through this fund, please download the Request Form below.

Children’s Activity Fund Request

The Children’s Activity Fund is available for all children who are:

Each foster/adoptive child is eligible to receive up to but will not exceed $100 each calendar year.

This fund is for enrichment activities such as; Dance, Karate, Musical Instrument, Horseback Riding, Swimming, Sports, etc.

Please print the Application below, complete and email for processing with all relevant documents.


If you have questions please email CAF @ or call 802-847-7376