Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) in Mobile Computing

Wireless Application Protocol or WAP is a programming model or an application environment and set of communication protocols based on the concept of the World Wide Web (WWW), and its hierarchical design is very much similar to TCP/IP protocol stack design. See the most prominent features of Wireless Application Protocol or WAP in Mobile Computing:

Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) in Mobile Computing

Working of Wireless Application Protocol or WAP Model

The following steps define the working of Wireless Application Protocol or WAP Model:

Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) in Mobile Computing

WAP Protocol Stack

It specifies the different communications and data transmission layers used in the WAP model:

Application Layer: This layer consists of the Wireless Application Environment (WAE), mobile device specifications, and content development programming languages, i.e., WML.

Session Layer: The session layer consists of the Wireless Session Protocol (WSP). It is responsible for fast connection suspension and reconnection.

Transaction Layer: The transaction layer consists of Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP) and runs on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). This layer is a part of TCP/IP and offers transaction support.

Security Layer: It contains Wireless Transaction Layer Security (WTLS) and responsible for data integrity, privacy and authentication during data transmission.

Transport Layer: This layer consists of Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP). It provides a consistent data format to higher layers of the WAP protocol stack.

Advantages of Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)

Following is a list of some advantages of Wireless Application Protocol or WAP:

Disadvantages of Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)

Following is a list of some disadvantages of Wireless Application Protocol or WAP:

Applications of Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)

The following are some most used applications of Wireless Application Protocol or WAP: